Law of Attraction – Five simple steps system that can change your life
Yes, the law of attraction can be called by some miracle
magic. It is not a miracle or magic; it is a natural law that you
too can tap into to change your life. Only if you are ready!
This has been called the secret; in fact, this is no secret it has been within humankind for 5,000 years! I
have said this quote in the Bible, and quoted by Jesus, Buddha, and many
others! How does this law of attraction work? It is a belief that we
all are able to transmit vibrations. Only, if your place like is attracted to like. If you put your mind in a vibration for money, money will come. The same goes for success, love, health, luck, etc. We want to take advantage of the abundance and prosperity that the Universe
gives us. your mind in harmony with what you want. That law of
attraction states that
We all know about the power of prayer, what about the power of positive affirmations? In physiology, it is called cognitive therapy, that your thoughts will have a huge impact on your outcomes in life. You’re trying to reprogram your thinking through what is known as autosuggestion. You will have your subconscious reprogrammed. So that you can become a millionaire, find the perfect love, and have great success in life, or something as simple as a new car.
fifth step of the law of attraction is to treat and heal your body, mind,
and soul. I highly recommend meditation, Find a medication that is right
for you such as yoga, transmittal meditation, and simple meditation to
clear your mind. This will help stop you from stressing, and if
you heal your mind, you will, in turn, heal your body and soul. It’s
also part of your total transformation to start eating healthy and
make sure you do some type of exercise at least 3 times a week. Please
don't forget the importance of sleep, we need 7 to 8 hours of sleep. My personal experience with the law of attraction.
All right I have lied, This part will take more than 10
minuets, but take this part slowly, and over time you will grow and
see why I recommend this to you. We have blockages in our body that
can prevent us from sending out vibrations to the universe. The use of
this step is to clear your body of these blockages and will increase your vibration and manifest what you want even faster.
You can also see an energy healer to remove blockages and balance out your Chandra.
Change your life
me first test how ready you may be? If I told you I can have the life of
your dreams how ready are you for that today? Are you really ready to
change your life and willing to put in the time and effort that is
needed? How much time? As little as the time as 10 minutes a day every
day, 365 days per year? If
you say you’re too busy right now or too much going on right now, in
your life and not willing to change. Come back to me and my teaching
when you’re ready! Even I had to been
faced with great hardship before I was ready for this knowledge. I was
ready for almost anything and extremely open-minded. I had nothing to
lose but everything to gain.

All right I have lied, this part
will take more then 10 minuets, but take this part slowly and over
time you will grow and see why I recommend this to you. We have
blockages in our body that can prevent us in sending out vibrations
to the universe. The use of this step is to clear your body of these
blockages and will increase your vibration and manifest what
you want even faster. You can also see an energy healer to remove
blockages and balance out your chakra.
We all know about the power of prayer, what about the power of positive affirmations? In physiology, it is called cognitive therapy, that your thoughts will have a huge impact on your outcomes in life. You’re trying to reprogram your thinking through what is known as autosuggestion. You will have your subconscious reprogrammed. So that you can become a millionaire, find the perfect love, and have great success in life, or something as simple as a new car.
Physiology and metaphysics
this point, physiology and metaphysics depart. It is believed
that your subconscious will communicate with the universe to obtain
your desires. The universes will help bring your desires to reality. Now
that doesn’t mean you don’t have to meet the universe halfway, or it
will not work. The universe will send you a sign, to tell you when it is
time to take action. It can come to you in any form, or the idea just
pops into your head, just out of thin air. You can see a sign of a name
or numbers that seem to always come to you in your life. It can pop up
on the internet, TV, and radio on your way to work, etc.
next part of the law of attraction is visualizations: you think, feel,
and see yourself as a millionaire, or have your dream job, or find the
love of your life all in your imagination. Adding emotions to your
immigration is a very powerful tool to manifest your dreams. So, what do
you need to get started the first step is easy. You need to have belief
and extremely strong desire to make your dreams a reality. You need to
want something so badly that you can taste it, feel it and smell it! If you're mind feel as you already have it! How do you believe in something so strongly?
You have to soul search to figure that on your own. If you still need help you can use numerology or astrology to help you find your path in life. So, follow your dreams not someone else dreams. If I tell you; You too can become a millionaire what are you willing to do to reach that goal? Everything has a price, and you are going to be able to pay that price? What are 10 minutes a day? In a year that is 60.83 hours! You can pay a little bit every day until you reach your goals.
You have to soul search to figure that on your own. If you still need help you can use numerology or astrology to help you find your path in life. So, follow your dreams not someone else dreams. If I tell you; You too can become a millionaire what are you willing to do to reach that goal? Everything has a price, and you are going to be able to pay that price? What are 10 minutes a day? In a year that is 60.83 hours! You can pay a little bit every day until you reach your goals.
start with the power of prayer and, next power of positive affirmations, such
as "I am healthy, wealthy, successful, and wise" 2 times daily. Add
your own positive affirmation for your personal goals. Remember they
need to be in the present tense.
The second step of the law of attraction: is to have a positive outlook in
life. I don’t care how bad your life looks it can only get better,
right! If you have ever been down or feeling blue think of things that make
you positive. Listen to music you enjoy and do activities that you enjoy.
You have the power to change your mood and you're thinking.
third step of the law of attraction: Is to be generous to others
meaning giving your time to help others. You can give money to help
others as well, or you can give more time at
work to your employer as well. This does come from the idea that we can
be rewarded for helping others by as much as tenfold. So, you have to
pay the price. Even if it takes years or months to get your repayment
back, the universe pays you back with compounded interest. The longer it
takes the more interest you will earn.
fourth step of the law of attraction: Is to be thankful for everything
in your life (gratitude) and your family's life, your job, your home,
car, pets, I mean everything in your life! Even when you have manifested
what you wanted, keep being thankful so more will come to you.
Financial decisions
Who am I to teach you about the law of attraction? 3 years ago, I had made some hard financial decisions. I was not able to buy a new car and I was struggling to pay bills. But today, my life has been realigned. I am working a job that I like, and the money follows.And I know that since I do what I like, the money will come
later for the job. I am driving in a luxury car and now have too many
cars. I don’t have to worry about money any longer; I am going on exotic
vacations. 3 years ago, this life would be the impossible dream today it
is the reality.
It is part of my soul mission in life to help others
and to become a teacher, counselor, and healer. How do I know this? I
have studied Numerology it teaches me what my life purpose in life. I also
paid hundreds of dollars for group seasons and personal sessions to
learn the same information in about 10 minutes of Numerology. I also
have studied the law of attraction, developing physical abilities,
crystals, and energy healers.
Change your thinking and you too can
have a better life. You can enjoy and live the impossible dream. You
have to start with these steps I have outlined and live the life the
universe intended you to live.
you need help to get started, I am willing to coach you for donations.
The donation does not have to be made immediately. If you don’t pay me the universe will make sure I am fairly compensated. I
do offer financial coaching and I use this system in my own life even to this date.
However, the law of attraction was an experiment that had far outperformed my
financial strategies. My own strategies were based on proven
techniques. But this would have taken 10 or 20 years to achieve this
level of success that the law attrition brought me in 3 years. Some of
my dreams have not been manifested as yet. But they are coming!
Author: Derek P,
Columbus Financial & Success Coach
Reiki Master & Teacher
Reiki Master & Teacher