"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
Robert Francis Kennedy
My Code Of Ethics
1. I believe in the Golden Rule as the basis of all Human conduct. Therefore I will never do to another person that which I would not be willing for that person to do to me if our positions were reversed.
2. I will be honest, even to the slightest detail, in all my transactions with others, not only because of my desire to be fair with them but also because of my desire to impress the idea of honesty on my own subconscious mind, thereby weaving this essential quality into my own character.
3. I will forgive those who are unjust toward me, with no thought as to whether they deserve it or not, because I understand the law through which forgiveness of others strengthens my own character and wipes out the effects of my own transgressions, in my subconscious mind.
4. I will be just, generous, and fair with others always, even though I know these acts will go unnoticed and unrewarded, in the ordinary terms of reward, because I understand and intend to apply the law through the aid of which one's own character is but the sum total of one's own acts and deeds.
5. Whatever time I may have to devote to the discovery and exposure of the weaknesses and faults of others I will devote, more profitably, to the discovery and correction of my own.
6. I will slander no person, no matter how much I may believe another person may deserve it, because I wish to plant no destructive suggestions in my own subconscious mind.
7. I recognize the power of thought as being an inlet leading into my brain from the universal ocean of life, therefore I will set no destructive thoughts afloat upon that ocean lest they pollute the minds of others.
8. I will conquer the common human tendency toward hatred, and envy, and selfishness, and jealousy, and malice, and pessimism, and doubt, and fear, for I believe these to be the seed from which the world harvests most of its troubles.
9. When my mind is not occupied with thoughts that tend toward the attainment of my Definite Chief Aim in life, I will voluntarily keep it filled with thoughts of courage, and Self-Confidence, and goodwill toward others, and faith, and kindness, and loyalty, and love for truth and justice, for I believe these to be the seed from which the world reaps its harvest of progressive growth.
10. I understand that a mere passive belief in the soundness of the Golden Rule philosophy is of no value whatsoever, either to myself or to others. Therefore, I will actively put into operation this universal rule for good in all my transactions with others.
11. I understand the law through the operation of which my own character is developed from my own acts and thoughts. Therefore, I will guard with care all that goes into its development.
12. Realizing that enduring happiness comes only through helping others find it, that no act of kindness is without its reward, even though it may never be directly repaid, I will do my best to assist others when and where the opportunity appears.
I Have posted this code above my computer, and view it daily. Adopt it, live by it, and live the happy life in which you desire.
Original source: http://www.napoleonhillslaw.com/2008_10_01_archive.html
The Secret of the Reaching You're Full Proportional
Mind, Body, Spirit Connection
I have integrated the power of personal financial planning and strategies management as a physical element within my 3 pillars of success model. Just having a financial plan is not enough, it is only the first step in the much larger process of transforming one from good to amazing. What is often overlooked is as a society, we place most of the energy into the physical element. To be successful in life we need to take full advantage of the physiological and spiritual element as well before one can reach their full potential. As humans beings, we are underdeveloped, we have much more untapped potential. It has been long known the medical and scientific community that we humans only use 10 percent of our brains. Why, because the other 90 percent is for physiological and spiritual development. The hardest part is to buy into the physiological element when one lives in the physical world. But once we can believe in and masters the physiological element, the spiritual element is not far away.
Using the full proportional of our brains
I have combined the energy of personal money management and personal development as a physical element within my 3 columns of success model. Just having a money plan is not enough, it is only the first step in the much larger process of transcending one from average to amazing. What is often misunderstood is as a society, we place most of the power on the physical side. To become successful in our career we need to take full leveraging of the physiological and spiritual side as well before one can reach all their potential. As humans beings, we are underdeveloped, we have much more hidden potential. It has been known for some time that medical and scientific community that we human beings only use 10 percent of our brains. Why, because the other 90 percent is for physiological and spiritual improvement. The difficult part is to believe in the physiological side when one lives in the physical world. But once we can believe in and masters the physiological side, the spiritual side is long away.
Beyond financial planning, The true ticket to overall Success
I have combined the power of financial planning and strategies developed as a physical element within my 3 pillars of the successful model. Just having a financial plan is not good enough, it is only the first step of many, to be transforming one from good to even greater. What is often overlooked is as a society today, we place most of the power into the physical being. To be successful in our lives we need to take full advantage of the mental and spiritual being as well before one can reach their full potency. As humans beings, we are underdeveloped, we have so much more undeveloped potential. It has been long known the medical and scientific community that we humans only use 10 percent of our brains. Why, because the other 90 percent is for physiological and spiritual development. The hardest part is to buy into the mental being when one lives in the physical world. But once we can believe in and masters the physiological being, the spiritual being is not far away