Napoleon Hill and Budgeting Your Time (Time Managment)

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill and Budgeting Your Time

"Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win - essential to success." Napoleon Hill

Your attitude towards life determines your attitude toward time. People pretty much fall into two camps on this subject.

  • Have a definite major purpose
  • Manage circumstances and resources
  • Examine every idea they encounter before they adopt or discard it
  • Takes risks and assume responsibility
  • Learn from their mistakes
  • Go the Extra Mile
  • Control their habits
  • Have a Positive Mental Attitude
  • Apply their faith in their own success
  • Create mastermind alliances to expand their knowledge and experience
  • Recognize their weaknesses and take steps to correct them


  • Have no Goal in life
  • Are controlled by circumstances and the lack of resources 
  • Flit from one idea about life to the other, depending on this week's fad or what the guy on TV said last night
  • Run from opportunity and blame others for their lots in life
  • Make the same mistakes again and again
  • Do only what it takes to get by
  • Let their habits control them
  • Have a negative mental attitude
  • Never do anything to improve their situation
  • Learn all they want to know from that guy on TV
  • Wouldn't know a weakness if it bit them

 Getting ahead with the help of a professional coach

What sets us apart is we just do not fix a single problem. We use creative strategies, to leverage your situation and lower your monthly bills.

We recommend insurance products, and a saving and investment plan to ensure future financial health and well being.

Please note we do not sell insurance, banking products or investment products we will recommend an expert in the field.

We offer credit counseling services, which we will tell you how to work with the credit card companies without paying a monthly service fee to the credit counseling service.

We also will tell you how to lower your interest rate on credit cards in some cases by simply making a phone call.

We will tell you how to work with creditors to try to arrange a repayment plan(s).

We tell you to have simple and easy to improve your credit score by contesting any errors on your credit report.

Our coaching will support you through the hardest part of making a life change. Our staff of caring, compassionate coaches will find out what your hopes, dreams, aspirations are before designing a personalized game plan just for you. Let’s face it the only person that knows you the best is you.

Our coaching style is to help you help yourself, by applying a homeopathic (whole-body) approach. We will provide the resources that you need to correct the problem, with the advice of our expert coaches.

Our coaches are here to motivate you, encourage you, and help you through a very stressful and terrifying experience, to become financially healthy.

We specialized in helping individuals and families that have suffered unsuspected hardships, due to unemployment, divorce, or loss of a family member. We understand that some times credit counselors and bankruptcy lawyers simply do not provide 360-degree solutions for your financial problems.

We help people that suffered unsuspected hardships get back on their feet & get ahead in life. free Self-help & paid coaching service & FB

We specialized in helping individuals and families that have suffered unsuspected hardships, to get back on their feet & to get ahead in the future. We offer a free self-help & coaching service by phone or in-person. Our coaches are here to motivate you, encourage you, and help you through a very stressful and terrifying experience, to become financially healthy. The coaching services included financial wellness program, basic budgeting, future goal setting & recommendations. The benefits are better financial worthiness to meet your specific financial goals.

The coaching services included financial wellness program, basic budgeting future goal setting, and recommendations, benefits are better financial worthiness to meet your specific financial goals.

The coaching services included financial wellness program, basic budgeting, wants and needs analysis, cost-benefit analysis, future goal setting, and recommendations on how one can meet their short, medium and long term goals. Benefits are better financial worthiness to meet specific financial goals. My program will include insurance recommendations for security and investment strategies based on personal values.

We specialized in helping individuals and families that have suffered unsuspected hardships, to get back on their feet & to get ahead in the future. We offer a free self-help & paid coaching service by phone or in-person. Our coaches are here to motivate you, encourage you, and help you through a very stressful and terrifying experience, to become financially healthy. The coaching services included financial al wellness program, credit counseling, debt management, money management, credit repair, basic budgeting, future goal setting & recommendations. The benefits are better financial worthiness to meet your specific financial goals.

Thank you for connecting! I look forward to learning more about you & ways we can help each other out. Please check out my site: & friend me at

Columbus Financial Coach helps people that suffered unsuspected financial hardships to get back on their feet & get ahead in life. Free Self-help & paid coaching service, credit counseling & repair.

Thank you for connecting to me! I look forward to learning more about you & ways we can help each other out. Ideally, I, would like to start an informal group of professionals that can help each other's business grow, by sharing knowledge & expertise. Please check out my site: & friend me at

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